Department of the Virtual United States Air Force Regulations

Paragraph 1: Overview:

This document is meant to draw an outline for all members of the VUSAF as a set of guidelines for all to follow. It is a set of rules forming an example for the conduct and example for the officers that make up this organization. Although most of these regulations and policies will be followed to the letter there will be exceptions made in certain situations that involve a problem in strict adherence.

The compliance with these regulations and policies should help to promote "Esprit de Corps" among our pilots and help to weed out those that do not wish to be active participants in our organization.

Paragraph 2: Enlistment and Responsibilities of New Members:

Section 1: Enlistment:

Enlistment is entirely voluntary and by choice. Once a decision to join is made the new

Member must establish an ICQ account and use his Rank/Call sign/Squadron for his ICQ

Name. Exceptions to this policy will be made as needed.

  1. 1(Ex. 2Lt. John Doe VUSAF)
  2. 2(Ex. Lt Col Jane Doe 57th)
If your ICQ is used for business or family use, then we require that you make a separate

ICQ account for VUSAF use. Even if you do not use it for only official purposes. This

is so the requirement is equal for everyone.

Section 2: Responsibilities of New Members:

New Members have the first and sole responsibility to their training. Before being placed

In an active squadron the trainee must complete a set of training missions set in place by

A training instructor Pilot in a Training squadron. It is the Trainee's responsibility to

Make sure that he receives his training. Contact must be made with the Instructor Pilot

Within twenty-four hours of being placed into a training squadron. If a trainee does not

Make contact within the given time frame then immediate action will be taken to

Ascertain the trainee's intentions involving the VUSAF. If it is determined that the

Trainee does not show interest then the trainee will be discharged and all contact with the

Such trainee will be halted.

Section 3: Trainer Responsibilities:

It is the Trainers responsibility to make sure that the trainees placed under him have the

Necessary means of being trained. It is also the responsibility of the trainer to report the

Progress of each trainee to his/her superior officer or officers. He/she must also make

His/her self readily available to the trainee's so that training can be accomplished. If

These requirements are not met then the Trainer will (Upon review) be removed as the

Instructor Pilot and be replaced with another individual to be determined by the superior


Paragraph 3: Exiting Squadron joining VUSAF:

Section 1: Requirements:

Any existing squadron that wishes to join the VUSAF must submit a request of intention

Of joining the VUSAF. The top four of the VUSAF and the squadron's command will

Meet to decide if acceptance into the VUSAF will be accepted. The new squadron must

Comply with Paragraph 2, Section 1 of this document (All members) and will be held to

The same requirements as all VUSAF members.

Paragraph 4: Conduct of VUSAF Members:

Section 1: Conduct becoming an Officer:

As a member of the VUSAF, all are expected to uphold the high moral and operational

Standards required as an officer and a gentleman. Respect for each other and their rank is

First and foremost of these standards. Offensive language is not allowed and will not be

Tolerated. This is to be followed even when being involved in play with someone from

Other squadrons other than the VUSAF. This is called Integrity. It will directly reflect

The moral character of the individual in question. Do what is right even when no one is

There to see or hear. Superior officers will be expected to respect their subordinates and

Vise versa. A solid chain of command is vital to upholding the entire VUSAF as a


Section 2: Responsibilities of Active Members:

Point 1: Commanding Officers:

The commanding officers are responsible for the troops under his command,

to include both judicial and non-judicial actions for any and all of the troops

Under him/her. However, if the C/O is of the rank of Major or lower (Never

The case) any and all punishments will be suggested only up the chain. If the

C/O is a Lt. Col. or Col. Then punishment of individuals shall be determined

Then approved by the C/O's superior. Promotion considerations will be

Sent up the chain by the C/O.

A commanding officer must make sure that his/her squadron has the needed

Materials to complete their mission. He/she is responsible for the actions of

His/her troops. He/she will set up squadron meetings and or flights and make

Sure that each one of his/her troops are informed with all current happenings

Within the VUSAF. Failure in these duties will result in the appropriate action

To Be determined by the C/O's superior.

Point 2: Executive Officers:

The X/O is held to the same responsibilities as the C/O in cases of absence of

The C/O. X/O's will be the example for others squadron members to follow and

Must exemplify the standards and customs of the VUSAF. If these requirements

Are not meet then the C/O has the right to relieve the X/O of his/her duties.

Point 3: General Officers of the VUSAF:

All other officers will be expected to uphold the standards outlined in Paragraph

4, Section 1 of this document. They will be required to follow the commands of

Their superiors.

Paragraph 5: Awards, Decorations and Promotions:

Section 1: Awards and Decorations:

Any VUSAF members can nominate any member for an award or decoration.

However, only the Top Four can approve the award or decoration.

Section 1.1: Certain medals will be awarded when critera for these medals is met. The following is a list of medals that have said critera specific within the VUSAF;

Basic Military Training Honor Graduate: Trainee must excel in all phases of basic flight training. The instructor will nominate the individual for this award.

Air Force Longevity Service Medal: Must be an active member in the VUSAF for a minimum of but not to exced one complete year.

Air Force Good Conduct Medal: Must be an active member in good standing with the VUSAF for a minimum of but not to exced one complete year.

Armed Forces Reserve Medal: Only awarded to individuals that return from reserve or "On Leave" status.

Section 2: Promotions:

As with Awards and Decorations, any VUSAF member can nominate another member

For promotion. However there are some restrictions on the promotion process. Squadron

C/O's can promote individuals in their squadrons up to the rank of Captain. A Base C/O

Can promote those individuals under his command up to the rank of Lt. Col. Only the

Top Four can promote individuals to the rank of Col. or above.

Section 3: Promotion Fitness Exam:

  This is an exam used to evaluate the performance and leadership ability of any officer that has interest in upgrading 

their rank in the VUSAF.  This test is based on approximately 10 questions.  The questions test the basic knowledge of 

the candidate’s abilities of leading a Squad.  The test consists of, general knowledge, ethics and morals, and decision 

making skills.   The test is scored using the numerical system based on a template answer sheet.  The scored candidate will 

then be placed on a list in order of their score from the maximum score to the minimum score.  As an office or position 

opens up in the VUSAF, the Chief’s of Staff will then promote the individual based on the score of their test from 

maximum to minimum scores.  A copy of the list not available to the public as this is an intrusion of the 1976 Armed 

Forces Privacy Act.

Paragraph 6: Alliances with other Squadrons or Wings

Section 1: Making the Alliance

All squadrons wishing to create an Alliance between there squadron and the VUSAF must

submit their intentions via email to one of the Top Four Commanders. The Top Four

Commanders will then meet to discuss this Alliance.

Section 2: Approval of the Alliance

To approve an Alliance, The Top Four must meet and vote on the alliance. A simple majority

is needed to pass the Alliance. In the advent of a Tie, the IG of the VUSAF will be asked to

break the tie. Only in the advent of a Tie will a fifth member vote. If the Alliance Request

passes, it will be posted on the Page. If it does not, the request will die, and must be

resubmitted to the Commanders, no sooner than 3 months for re-evaluation.

Paragraph 7: Amendments to this Document:

Section 1: Amendments:

All amendments to this document must meet approval by the Top Four of the VUSAF.

Once a bill or proposal has been approved by the Top Four it will become law and be

Amended into this document. If for any reason one or more of the Top Four is absent or

On leave then the next highest ranking individual will take the vote of the absent

Individual. All bills and proposals can be suggested by any member of the VUSAF but

They can only be approved by the Top Four.
General Francisco "Mac" Lugo
VUSAF Chief of Staff
General Josh "Sandman" Williams
Assistant VUSAF Chief of Staff (RET)
Lieutenant General Raymond "Slammer" Dowe
Commander Air Forces Pacific (RET)

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